1. What kinds of payment are accepted?

We accept the following forms of secure payment: PayPal.

  1. What currencies can I pay?

We are only able to accept USD Dollars at the moment, we can accept more currency in the future.

  1. Is my privacy and personal information secure on your site?

We provide among the best e-commerce service in the industry, and guarantee secure payment processing at all times. Please check our Privacy Policy to view the full details on how we protect your privacy and personal information.

  1. Will I have to pay any sales tax?

Dressvivi cannot be held responsible for any actions, costs, or delays caused due to these customs processes over which we have no control. We recommend contacting your local customs office for more information about possible duties and taxes.

  1. Why am I being asked to "Verify" my payment?

Because your order has been held for a standard anti-fraud check by Dressvivi.
We have to avoid fraudulent and unauthorized payment.

  1. Order Refunded

The order should be refunded to us at first. For Paypal payment, please allow 15 natural days for the transaction to be completed on your account.